Photos de Zsófia Reibli

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  • 35 avis 30 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, French, Hungarian; apprend  Ancient Greek, Turkish
  • 32, Autre
  • Membre depuis 2009
  • reading travelling thinking watching old movies and also ...
  • University of Nantes
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi


Central European executive transvestite realness realness. 🥨
Many of my ancestors were called Josephus Aloysius Reibli.
I believe in Werner Herzog.
I never lie, which sometimes leads to very awkward conversations.
I perceive reality as a prison which I am constantly trying to escape from. I think it's the only way to cope.
If you like sick jokes, there is a chance you will like me.
This is my stuff, I think I have the least followers on this planet: even my friends and family couldn't be bothered to follow me.
I am a massive fan of RuPaul's Drag Race and the QI series.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

Because I like meeting new people and because I travel a lot.

Centres d'intérêt

Too many.
Folklore, ethnology, linguistics, music, litterature, cinema, TV, arts.

  • arts
  • folklore
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • teaching
  • history
  • languages

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

Milan Kundera, Bohumil Hrabal, Antal Szerb, Plato, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, André Gide, Orhan Pamuk, Nazim Hikmet, Gérard Genette, Salvador Dali, André Breton, Gustave Flaubert, André Malraux, Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Rabelais, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Sophocle, Boccaccio, Petrarca, and folkloric tales and old stuff like mythologies, the Kalevala, Digenis Akritas, Dede Korkut, Gilgamesh, old Jewish legends from Central Europe, Breton legends, gypsy tales, poems, ballads. But like the one I appreciate the most is Céline.
Since I'm in Turkey I'm really interested in sufism.
The Comic Book Men, True Detective, Mad Men, Elementary.
David Lynch, Peter Greenaway, Tony Gatlif, Béla Tarr.
Franz Liszt, Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, Penderecki, Michael Nyman, Crystal Castles, folkloric musics from Turkey, Hungary, Scotland, Ireland, Csàngofold.
Lévi-Strauss, Mircea Eliade, Mihàly Hoppál.

I really like indie zines and indie comics.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue


When I was 18, with my friend we took a trip. from Hungary to Denmark, we travelled with a 33 year old hippybus, Eddy. Ever since that I'm nomadic.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I speak a few languages: English, French, Hungarian fluently. I've been learning Ancient Greek for two years actively, and Turkish for a year.
I have a diploma of litterature but I also study stuff like linguistics, foreign languges, art history so i guess that's something i can teach.

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

There a re a lot of languages in my head. I can teach you languages.

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Belize, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Denmark, France, Hungary, Scotland, Turkey, United Kingdom

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