Kirill Pyatin's Photo

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  • 74% response rate
  • Last login about 15 hours ago

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  • 117 references 109 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian; learning English
  • 27, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • I go, I look
  • Automatic technology process, electricer, service and tou...
  • From Kazakhstan
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

The human.

Instagram: kirill.pyatin

Look at the sky, look at the river.
Isn't it good?

Easy going guy from Russia, who just wants to feel the world in all it sides. Love animals and all living. Admire trees, and the desire for life in general. if you have a choice, choose what leads to life. I can't resist a passing cat. I can build anything with Lego. I can't sing, but I do it. Have a dream of buying old Japanese van and making a wonderful motorhome of it. Study the world and yourself.

Travel develops a person, like books, culture or art. If more people traveled, this world would be a better and kinder place. I often see in CS that before sending a request, you need to find keywords, pass a test, find a way out of the maze and kill the minotaur, but I think this is snobbery. I am happy to help people make travel more accessible and interesting.
All you have to do - to be a good person and do good.

And if you would like to stay with me - please send me names of three your favorite songs:D

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is an opportunity to feel like a traveler and not a tourist. Couchsurfing provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy travel without going through the mainstream tourist routes, staying overnight in boring hotels, and just watching how the tourism business makes money on you. That really immerse you in the culture and life of different countries, get to know the inhabitants of these countries, find out their opinion about what is happening, and the way people live here, eat what they eat. Or spend time differently than regular excursions. Couchsurfing also allows you to make new meets around the world, communicate with people from all over the world. It makes our horizons wider, it allows us to better understand the world in which we live.


Vodka, bears, self-made eccentric prose

  • animals
  • cats
  • literature
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • running
  • traveling
  • puzzles
  • music
  • philosophy
  • nature
  • sea
  • buddhism
  • ping pong
  • words
  • lego
  • van
  • japanese
  • green tea
  • skateboard

Music, Movies, and Books

Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, Depeche Mode, Radiohead, Mogwai, Dawid Bowie, The Doors, Sting, Joy Division, Led Zeppelin, Morphine, Black Sabbath, Johny Cash, Metallica, System Of A Down, Rammstein.

Carnifex, Chelsea Grin, Black Tongue, Emmure, Betraying the Martyrs, Attila, Job for a cowboy, Whitechapel, Bring me the Horrizon(old).

Current Joy's, Flesh And Space, Mayhem, Nocturnal Depression.

Аквариум, Мельница, Мумий Тролль, Ария, Кино, Аукцыон, Крематорий, ДДТ.

Порез на собаке, 4 Позиции Бруно, Порнофильмы, Truckdrivers, Самое большое простое число, Хаски, Кровосток.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was born.

Realized that I'm an idiot.

Felt love.

Hitchhiked all of Russia from west to east.

Walked in the Uzbekistan desert in July.

Sleeping in a tent in the Gobi desert in October.

Four days in a row go on a foot by rail around Lake Baikal outside of civilization.

Completely changed my life twice and doing it for the third time.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can share my travel experience, give advice on how to hitchhike tens of thousands of kilometers, or the bureaucratic formalities of different countries, teach you how to cook something from Russian food. I can teach you Russian language, I'm a teacher. We can do yoga together.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can offer hosts music exchange, walks together, we can do yoga, I also bake Russian pancakes and teach Russian language very well! I can easily help you to move heavy furniture. I can also help you with minor electrical repairs if you have the tools. Of course, I will be happy to help the host clean the house, wash the dishes, or any other assistance that I can provide.

Countries I’ve Visited

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Turkey

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