Cal MacDonald's Photo

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  • Last login about 9 years ago

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  • 11 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 45, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Electronics Technician
  • BSc in a university
  • From Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis, Outer Hebridies, Scotland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me




All about me?

Hey! Lets get off our computers...

As I am a lover of cinema it's only fitting that my life is like a movie; A big sprawling epic filled with mystery, suspense, action, comedy, romance and of course a killer soundtrack!. Join me for the adventure of a lifetime ...In the scenes so far there's been stuff like white water rafting in the Scottish glens, Karate under the training of a Karate Champion and so much more. As with any good movie the locations are exotic from Oil Rigs in the Deserts of Kazakhstan to driving a pickup truck up the Canadian rocky mountains in raging blizzards and touring round East Europe with my entourage ending up at the Exit festival. Leading ladies, side kicks and supporting cast so far in this action packed epic have been a wonderful, varied and fascinating bunch to say the least.


Rectitude 義
Courage 勇
Benevolence 仁
Respect 礼
Honesty 誠
Honor 名 誉
Loyalty 忠 義

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


My couch is free to a good visitor , just drop me a mail first. I have attended meetings across the continent and met some really cool people so if you want a meeting I should be up for it.

People I have Hosted so far:


Attended some meetings on holiday after a long time of having an (inactive)account. But after my experiences am determined to become more active on the home front :)

People I have hosted so far:

Kris Hargrave : 30/07/2011 - 01/08/2011

Gareth Were : 31/07/2011 - 07/08/2011

Francesco Msc : 05/08/2011 - 06/08/2011

Filippo Segala: 17/08/2011 - 20/08/2011

Arnaud GIRIN : 17/08/2011 - 17/08/2011

Filip Bieniecki : 15/09/2011 - 17/09/2011

Maria Sakalauskaite : 22/09/2011 - 30/09/2011

ROSAMAREE : 21/9/11 - 23/9/11

Kim Ramsey : 19/10/11 - 24/10/11
Dónall Garvin & Olga : 4/11/11 - 6/11/11

Maria Sakalauskaite : 6/11/2011 -


I practice and am deeply passionate about freestyle Karate and the philosophy behind the martial arts. Hoping to take up Judo soon as well to learn the grappling side of things.

Have a huge interest in East European culture and history (My number one holiday destination). Poland being my most visited country and Georgia being my most desired placed to visit.

Reading well I am a HUGE Philip K Dick fan the man was a genius. As well as that I like a good graphic novel Walking Dead and Punisher being my favourites.

  • arts
  • culture
  • books
  • festivals
  • walking
  • drinking
  • movies
  • reading
  • martial arts
  • history
  • mountains

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies has to the Action Movies and Sci Fi. Blade Runner, Jaws, Indiana Jones, Aliens, Predator, Star Wars, The Thing, The Matrix, Die Hard etc.

Books - As above Philip K Dick (Scanner Darkly & Man in The High Castle) , Issac Asimoc (Foundation series), Stanislaw Lem (Solaris). Graphic Novels Watchmen, Superman Red Son, The Walking Dead and Punisher Max.

Music? well pretty much anything goes but i prefer more chilled out sounds and have recently gotten into post-rock (google explosions in the sky)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I will list some of the hi-lights here

Muay Thai Training in Thailand
The tour of Auschwitz
Standing at the gates of the Gdansk shipyards
Visiting the birthplace of Marie Curie
Driving up the side of one of the canadian rockies in snow storm.
Passing my gradings in Karate.
Drinking Vodka with Kazakh Gangsters.

Teach, Learn, Share

Well any fellow martial artists who can teach me something new are always welcome.

I will soon be starting to learn Russian so any ruskies out there that can help me?

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates

Countries I’ve Lived In

Netherlands, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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